Body parts in Italian

Ciao amici! Welcome to our lesson on body parts in Italian. Knowing the names of body parts is essential for everyday conversations, especially when it comes to health, fitness, and self-care. Today, we'll go through the key body parts in Italian, helping you describe yourself and others with ease. So, let's dive in and learn the names of body parts in Italian!}

Basic Body Parts

Let's start with some basic body parts:

  • Head - la testa
  • Face - il viso / la faccia
  • Hair - i capelli
  • Eye - l’occhio
  • Nose - il naso
  • Mouth - la bocca
  • Ear - l’orecchio
  • Neck - il collo
  • Shoulder - la spalla
  • Arm - il braccio
  • Hand - la mano
  • Finger - il dito
  • Chest - il petto
  • Stomach - lo stomaco
  • Leg - la gamba
  • Foot - il piede
  • Toe - il dito del piede
  • Back - la schiena
  • Heart - il cuore

Let’s repeat them together:

La testa, il viso/la faccia, i capelli, l’occhio, il naso, la bocca, l’orecchio, il collo, la spalla, il braccio, la mano, il dito, il petto, lo stomaco, la gamba, il piede, il dito del piede, la schiena, il cuore.

Detailed Body Parts

Now, let's look at some more detailed body parts:

  • Forehead - la fronte
  • Cheek - la guancia
  • Chin - il mento
  • Lip - il labbro
  • Tongue - la lingua
  • Tooth - il dente
  • Wrist - il polso
  • Elbow - il gomito
  • Knee - il ginocchio
  • Ankle - la caviglia
  • Heel - il tallone

Using Body Parts in Sentences

Let’s see how we can use these body parts in sentences:

  • My head hurts. - Mi fa male la testa.
  • She has blue eyes. - Lei ha gli occhi azzurri.
  • He broke his leg. - Si è rotto la gamba.
  • I need to brush my teeth. - Devo lavarmi i denti.
  • She has long hair. - Lei ha i capelli lunghi.

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Plural Forms and Gender Agreement

Just like other nouns in Italian, body parts need to agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the rest of the sentence. Here are some examples:

Masculine Singular:

  • The arm - Il braccio
  • The knee - Il ginocchio

Masculine Plural:

  • The arms - I bracci
  • The knees - I ginocchi

Feminine Singular:

  • The hand - La mano
  • The leg - La gamba

Feminine Plural:

  • The hands - Le mani
  • The legs - Le gambe

Common Phrases with Body Parts

Here are some common phrases and expressions using body parts:

  • To lend a hand - Dare una mano
  • To turn a deaf ear - Fare orecchie da mercante
  • To keep an eye on - Tenere d’occhio
  • To break a leg (good luck) - In bocca al lupo

And there you have it! Now you know the basic body parts in Italian and how to use them in sentences. Practice using these words in your daily conversations and soon they’ll become second nature. Grazie for joining this lesson, and arrivederci! Take care of yourself and keep learning Italian!